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Bio Enzyme - Basic Guide

26 Jan, 2022 by Machimale Farms 5 1606
1. Bio Enzymes ! what is it ?

Bio Enzyme is a multi-purpose, natural cleaner produced from vegetable/fruit peels (usually citrus) or waste.

2. How do they work?

Bio Enzymes, use nature's bugs to clean up our mess. These cleaners use the good bacteria to digest wastes, soils, stains and bad odours. The bacteria do this by producing enzymes specifically designed to break down certain molecules(waste and soils) into smaller pieces

3. Why do we need this when we have readily available cleansers in market?

Commerically available cleansers are nothing but can full of chemicals .

  • 1.All home cleaning products contain toxic and aggressive chemicals, these cleaners are extremely hazardous to our health and the environmental implications of them are destructive
  • 2.These all contains sulphates and SLES substances which are proven to be most hazardoeus to the human beings
  • 3.1,4 Dioxane are known to irritate human skin
  • 4.Bleach is known as eye and lung irritatnts
  • 5.Formaldihyde is irritating agent to respiratory systems
  • 6.Phospates have adverse effects on environment

4. What house hold cleansing products can be replaced?
  • 1.Use it as a multipurpose cleaner and disinfectant various surfaces of the home like the flooring, glass windows, countertops and so on.
  • greasy utensils
  • 3.These can repel small insects, ants and cockroaches at home
  • 4.Deodorise any space by spraying a solution of 1 part bio enzyme with 3 parts of water
  • 5.Bio enzymes are highly recommended for cleaning the tiles and grout because the bacteria can enter small cracks or crevices to remove soils and malodor
  • 6.Also you can de-clog a drain by pouring a solution of bio enzyme into it
  • 7.These are effective in removing limescale deposits from the taps and steel appliances.
  • 8.The organic solution can be used to clean pesticides and other chemicals from fruits and vegetables.
  • 9.These are like natural pesticide and herbicides.

5. Crust of the blog . How do we make this wonder product?

Just remember this thumb rule . 1:3:10 – Jaggery to Citrus Peels to Water.
That is to take one part of Jaggery, 3 parts of Citrus peels and 10 parts of Water. If you use one cup of Jggery , use the same cup to measure citrus and water. Put all these in a big plastic container and make sure that there is 20% of the space is still left
Mix these three ingredients in that container, put the lid on, label it with the date of creation and leave it in a dark place
once it starts its process , it releases gas which will eventually build up in the empty space of the container. Before it gets pops out we need to release the gas . So please open the lid once in a day (for the first 3 weeks) , keep it open for a minute or so and close the lid back.You can make this once in a week for the rest of the process after first two weeks

6. Where we can store this?

JThe airtight container is necessary to promote fermentation (minimize oxygen) and to also avoid flies from getting in.Glass container is not advisiable as when the pressure builds up during fermentaion there is chance that it might explode

7. How long it will take to get this product ready ?

Usually, it will take three months for the Bio Enzyme to be produced.

8.Why only citrus peels?

Citrus are known for its cleansing properties . And also it smells great . You can use other fruit peels like banana or mango however it doen't has these cleansing properties and also you may not be liking the odor

9. Why do we need to open the container regularly ?

Biogases will be produced as by-products of the anaerobic breakdown of the sugars. Thus, releasing the gases produced, especially during the initial stages, is essential.

10. Why do we need jaggery?

The purpose of Jaggery or molasses or brown sugar is to provide “simple” carbon source or energy for the microorganisms to first feed and grow

11.How about dried peels?

It is advisable to use fresh peels

12.What's the next step after three months ?

Take another container , filter out the liquid from the Bio Enzyme container using a fine mesh cloth or filter, squeeze the pulp to take out remaining liquid and Bio Enzyme is ready! The liquid (which should be clear and orange to brownish in color) you have collected in the other container is the Bio Enzyme – it might still have some very fine residue which will settle down once you keep it undisturbed for some time – you can use along with the residue, not a problem. You can retain the pulp to start another batch (along with fresh peels of course) or to use as a concentrated cleaner. Store both the liquid and the pulp safely in closed containers for everyday use.

13.Can we fasten this process?

Yes! There are two ways you can make this process faster.
Option 1: You can add yeast (the regular Baker’s yeast you will get in Departmental stores). This will make the Bio Enzyme ready in just 20 days.
Option 2: You can add the leftover pulp of a previous batch. This will make the Bio Enzyme ready in 30 days.

14.Which type of Yeast is better to use it and the quantity ?

Active Dry Yeast

15.What are the Indications that process is getting finished ?

apart from waiting for months yoiu can also come to know using following indicators
Stopping of Gas production - As the fermentation slows down, so will the production of gases from the solution
Peels settling down

16.Red Flags to look for
  • 1.Leaving your container open
  • 2.Worms and Flies in your Bio Enzyme container his will also occur only if you had NOT been careful about your container and left it open at some point inviting flies to come in
  • 3.Temperature - Microbes like a temperature that is close to our body temperature. So if we are able to maintain that in the solution, then the fermentation will happen pretty fast.
  • 4.Forgetting to open for months

17. What about the Expiry Date?

NO Expiry Date. you can use it for 1,2,5, 10 years :-)

About author

Machimale Farms

Machimale Farms has a beautiful history of agriculture and farming. It is located at Southern part of Karnataka near the town Puttur. Machimale Farms is now getting connected not only with the nearby farmers, but also with the people in need of these farm products. Our main motto is to provide the natural alternatives wherever possible and promote the use of them.We have the best quality farm grown items like Areca, Pepper, Nutmegs, Soapnuts and much more!.


MandeepWednesday, January 26, 2022

Very well explained . Thank you so much :-) Can you tell me how many days it will to complete the process if we use yeast?

Machimale FarmsWednesday, January 26, 2022

Hi Mandeep . If the proper yeast is used then process can get over in a month time .

GowriWednesday, January 26, 2022

Its really helpful :)

Dr.ShreerashmiWednesday, January 26, 2022

Great initiation and a wonderful piece of information.

Vaishnavi Thursday, July 11, 2024

How confirm the presence of bioenzyme in that prepared solutions

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