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Guide to use Soapnuts/ Soapnut Powder

08 Dec, 2022 by Machimale Farms 0 983

Did you know that you can replace most of your chemical rich, skin irritating home care products with Natural Soapnuts !? We will explain in this blog how . If you want to know more about soapnuts checkout our blog about soapnuts here


SoapNuts Shells: Place 6-8 shells in a small pouch of cotton or a sock tied at the top. Place inside the washing machine with your clothes.

SoapNuts Powder: add 2-3 teaspoons of powder into the washbag & place inside the washing machine with your clothes. Suitable for both front & top loading machines.

SoapNuts Liquid: Add 2-3 caps of Soap Nut liquid into the detergent compartment and wash as normal. checkout our detailed blog on how to make soapnut liquid base

Soap Nuts are highly-effective and gentle at the same time. It will leave your laundry fresh and clean and compared to other detergents, its mildness will keep colors bright, maintaining fabric structure of your clothes for longer periods. It can be used on all fabrics and at all temperatures. Its leaves your clothes incredibly soft and all this without the need for fabric softeners or conditioners

If you wish to change the scent of your clean laundry, you can add a few drops of essential oils straight onto the cotton bag.

Dishwashing Liquid

SoapNuts Powder:Replace the the soapnut with soapnut powder in our recipe to make soapnut liquid

SoapNuts Liquid: Use the liquid base directly in place of regular dishwashing liquid checkout our detailed blog on how to make soapnut liquid base

Use Soap Nuts liquid (see below instructions) for washing your glasses, dishes, cutlery and pans as usual. Don’t be deceived by the lack of bubbles on the effectiveness of the cleaning.

There are no artificial foaming agents so there will be very few if any lasting bubbles but your washing up will be cleaned effectively even if left to soak.

Body Wash and Hair Shampoo

SoapNuts Shells: Use 3-4 SoapNut shells and add to 500ml water. Simmer for 10 minutes and add Guar Guar Gum, Yanthum Gum or cornflour to thicken. You can use any essential oils to scent.

SoapNuts Powder: Use 1 teaspoon (for short hair and 2 teaspoons for long hair) of SoapNut powder - mix with a little water into a paste and wash hair as normal. The shampoo will not lather as you may be used to. It will definitely clean your hair.

SoapNuts Liquid: Use as body wash and hair shampoo just as it is. If you prefer to have a fragrance please add a few drops of your favourite essential oil. checkout our detailed blog on how to make soapnut liquid base

Vegetable Cleaner

Soak your fruit and vegetables for approximately 10 minutes in the Soap Nuts liquid. Rinse off and enjoy this food free from harmful chemicals and residue. The Soap Nuts solution can then be reused for household cleaning.

Cleaning Jewels

Jewels is soaked in Soap Nuts liquid and then rubbed with a cloth to give it a shine.

Natural Pesticide

Using Soap Nuts is an effective and natural alternative to repel insects off your plants and around the house. This easily replaces chemicals. Your left over Soap Nuts liquid from washing or laundry can be used for this purpose.

SoapNuts Liquid: Add 20 parts water, 1 part Soap Nuts liquid to a clean spray bottle. Shake well. For plant wash, spray leaves and wipe clean. To repel pests, spray plant thoroughly, covering all surfaces, and allow to air dry. checkout our detailed blog on how to make soapnut liquid base

Pet care

  • 1.pre-rinse pet/horse with warm water.
  • 2.add 200 ml of Soapnuts liquid to wash bucket (1/2 full of warm water)
  • 3.use a sponge or bathing mitt and wash pet/horses as usual
  • 4.rinse and Make sure to keep away from the eyes

Dandruff Control

Apply the liquid Soap Nuts on scalp and leave on for 5-10 minutes. Make sure the liquid does not get into the eye as it will burn. Rinse hair with water. Following this procedure regularly will not only help prevent dandruff, but will also keep your hair soft and strong. You can also replace the soapnut liquid with Soap Nuts powder.

Instead of using the Soap Nuts liquid we also recommend to use the Soap Nuts powder as your hair shampoo - mix with a little water into a paste and wash hair as normal. The shampoo will not lather as you may be used to. It will definitely clean your hair.

Window Cleaner/Fridge Cleaner

Fill a clean spray bottle with 20 parts water, 1 part SoapNuts liquid, and a splash of vinegar. Shake well. Spray and wipe windows clean. Polish glass with a clean, dry towel or newspaper.

General Cleaning

Can be used as a general household cleaner, toilet cleaner, to wash your car, and a lot more.

About author

Machimale Farms

Machimale Farms has a beautiful history of agriculture and farming. It is located at Southern part of Karnataka near the town Puttur. Machimale Farms is now getting connected not only with the nearby farmers, but also with the people in need of these farm products. Our main motto is to provide the natural alternatives wherever possible and promote the use of them.We have the best quality farm grown items like Areca, Pepper, Nutmegs, Soapnuts and much more!.


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